Michael Fuller

Raised relief decoration of gladiator helmet and grieves (leg guards).


Shallow relief of Zeus hurling a thunderbolt. 


Library of Celsus - visited by every modern tourist to Ephesus


One of the great Roman cities with a rich connection with the Early Christian community if Ephesus.

Relief on a marble flagstone in the street. This has long been interpreted as an advertisement for a brothel located in the direction of the footprint. Left: normal digital image; Right: Dstretched enhanced image with filter ywe.


Detail from the Temple of Hadrian at Ephesus, 10 October 2022


Library of Celsius, 10 October 2022


Theater of Ephesus with estimated capacity of 24,000 spectators.


Faint graffiti of a Jewish menorah carved onto the marble steps of the library of Celsus.
